Workplace Policies you need for your business
The Team at Hello Contract aim to ensure that each workplace is as safe as possible. This article was written for the benefit of both employers and employees. It is critical that the following workplace policies are in place in any South African work environment.
Our workplace policies and procedures are set out in a template from for easy use. Simply answer a few questions and receive your very own customised workplace polices. A set of policies is a guiding principle used to provide guidance for your organization or company. The workplace policies are usually published in a booklet or online and are widely accessible to all within the company.
Workplace policies are the most underestimated documents we see when practicing employment law. It is very easy to take control as an employer, but a significant number of employers do not have workplace policies in place.
Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy;
An Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy aims to ensure that all employees are made aware of the exact actions that constitute fraud and corruption in a particular workplace and generally.
An Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy further seeks to explain the exact steps that will be taken in instances of suspected fraud or corruption in a workplace.
The Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy also provides a mechanism for employees to follow when they suspect that there may be fraud or corruption in the workplace.
The Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy further provides protection for “whistle blowers” i.e. those who seek to report fraud and corruption in the workplace.
This is an essential workplace policy for all private companies in South Africa.
Get your Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy here: Anti Corruption and Fraud Policy
Employment Policy - Conflict of Interests Policy
A conflict of interest occurs when an employee or its employer are compromised as a result of a clash between their personal (or self-serving) interests and their professional duties or responsibilities to act in the best interests of another (e.g. their employer or company).
Problems arise when an employee or employer chooses personal gain over their duties to conduct themselves in the best interests of the company. When such a situation arises, the employee or employer is usually asked to remove themselves, and it is often legally required of them.
A Conflict of Interest Policy applies to the following persons:
- all Company employees (fixed term and permanent);
- supervisors and management;
- directors, public officers; and
- consultants/contractors contracted by the Company.
A Conflict of Interest Policy is informed by the South African Companies Act 71 of 2008 (Director’s fiduciary duties)
By way of example a conflict of interest may arise when an employee, has a family member which he suggests should be used as a supplier by his or her new employer. This conflict of interest has arises as the employer is now unsure if the employee’s conduct, judgment and/or decision-making is unbiased.
However, if an employee suggests a new supplier, which happens to be his or her family member, it does not necessarily imply wrongdoing on anyone’s part.
However, the Conflict of Interest Policy is there to ensure that when a conflict of interest arises, it must be recognized, disclosed, managed, reduced and/or eliminated.
Without a Conflict of Interest Policy in place, a company cannot manage conflicts of interest that may arise and therefore cannot determine which Conflicts are serious enough to warrant a dismissal or which Conflicts are to be simply disclosed and filed in the employees HR file.
The Hello Contract Conflict of Interest Policy is ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies.
Get your Conflict of Interest Policy here:
Employment Policy - Human Immune Deficiency (HIV) & Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
An HIV Policy is drafted to ensure that employees who have been medically diagnosed with or who are suspected of having the HIV virus and the AIDS virus are respected and measures are put in place to prevent the spread of the HIV virus and the AIDS virus.
HIV and AIDS are serious public health problems in South Africa that have socio economic, employment and human rights implications. The HIV and AIDS epidemic will affect every workplace, with prolonged staff illness and absenteeism and will impact on productivity, employee benefits, occupational health and safety, production costs and workplace morale.
HIV and AIDS are still a disease surrounded by ignorance, prejudice, discrimination and stigma.
One of the most effective ways of reducing and managing the impact of HIV and AIDS in the workplace is through the implementation of a HIV/Aids policy and programme. In the light of this, this policy has been developed as a guide to the Company’s management and employees.
The purpose of this HIV Policy is to reassure employees that AIDS is not spread through casual contact during normal work practices and to reduce unrealistic fears about contracting an AIDS virus-related condition.
In addition, the HIV Policy is there to protect the legal right to work of employees who are diagnosed with an AIDS virus-related condition and provides guidelines for situations where infection with the AIDS virus is suspected as to ensure individuals with HIV infection are not unfairly discriminated against in the workplace.
Employment Policy - IT Policy
The use of technology in the workplace is an integral part of modern working live as it provides employees the opportunity to perform their daily tasks more efficiently and effectively, whether out in the field or in the office.
This IT Policy draws on the relevant legislation in South Africa, in particular the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication Act (“RICA”), the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”) and the Electronic Communications and Transmissions Act (“ECTA”).
The IT Policy will apply to all company personnel, employees, contractors etc. who make use of the company’s IT equipment as well as external third parties who may from time to time make use of the company’s IT equipment.
The IT Policy will further go on to explain what exactly constitutes the company’s IT. For example, it will differentiate between hardware, software and telecommunications related tools etc.
An IT policy is essential as it ensures that all employees, even when working from home, have guidelines to follow when using the company’s IT.
Q: Why does a company need workplace policies?
A: Workplace policies are essential to ensure a safe work environment for all. Workplace policies provide guidelines for the relationship between the employee and the employer and ensure that both an employer and employee are made fully aware of their duties and obligations.